這首歌是收錄在Damien Rice《9》這張專輯中的歌,可以說一聽讓我驚為天人─v─
先來介紹一下Damien Rice好了。
Dmien來自愛爾蘭,喜歡繪畫(O的專輯內頁有些插畫便是Damien自己畫的)與音樂,起初與Brian Crosby、Dominic Phillips、Paul Noonan三人,合組搖滾樂團Juniper。後來Juniper與Polygram簽下合約,發行多首引人注目的單曲及專輯,1999年正當他們與Manic Street Preachers的名製作人合作新專輯之際,Damien在彼此音樂理念仍有差異下,選擇離團單飛。單飛初期,Damien一個人流浪到歐洲,做起街頭賣唱藝人,利用賣唱賺來的錢與朋友資助些許資金添購簡陋錄音器材,完全DIY錄製創作DEMO帶,輾轉獲得製作人兼電影配樂大師David Arnold喜愛與鼓勵。2002年發行個人專輯《O》,英國銷售突破三白金,全球破1千5百萬張,獲得洛杉磯時報讚譽「藝術性格風采跟Jeff Buckley、Thom Yorke並駕齊驅」、AMG稱讚「近乎天才的作品」。
博客來介紹他的文字寫著「一位游移在都市吟唱的詩人歌手,帶出最簡單自然的生命樂章,感動渲染清新脫俗且優雅氣質的魅力存在,他釋放出的單純音符,讓城市每個角落的寂寞靈魂,在Damien Rice歌曲中找到溫暖依歸。」
而電影《偷情》(Closer) (by茱莉亞羅勃茲、裘德洛、娜塔莉波曼及克里夫歐文主演,麥克尼可斯導演)的主題音樂便是出於Damien。
最後,這首Rootless Tree是一首非常爽快的歌,無論曲調還是歌詞都讓我很歡樂的一聽就很開心。
What I want from you is empty your head
They say be true, don't stain your bed
We do what we need to be free
And it leans on me like a rootless tree
What I want from us is empty our minds
We fake the thoughts, and fracture the times
We go blind when we've needed to see
And this leans on me, like a rootless...
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you
And all we've been through
I said leave it, leave it, leave it
There's nothing in you
And did you hate me, hate me,
hate me, hate me so good
That you just let me out, let me out, let me out
Of this hell when you're around
Let me out, let me out, let me out
Hell when you're around
Let me out, let me out, let me out
What I want from this
Is learn to let go
No not of you
Of all that's been told
Killers re-invent and believe
And this leans on me, like a rootless...
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you
And all we've been through
I said leave it, leave it, leave it
There's nothing in you
And did you hate me, hate me,
hate me, hate me so good
That you just let me out, let me out, let me out
Of this hell when you're around
Let me out, let me out, let me out
Of this hell when you're around
Let me out, let me out, let me out
Hell when you're around
Let me out, let me out, let me out
Hell when you're around
Let me out, let me out, let me out, let me out
Let me out, let me out, let me out, let me out
Let me out, let me out, let me out
Fuck you, fuck you, love you
And all we've been through
I said leave it, leave it, leave it
It's nothing in you
And did you hate me, hate me,
hate me, hate me so good
That you just let me out, let me
out, let me out, let me out
Let me out, let me out, let me out, let me out
Let me out, let me out, let me out, let me out
Let me out, let me out, let me out
Let me out, let me out, let me out
Hell when you're around
Let me out, let me out, let me out
Hell when you're around
Let me out, let me out, let me out
Hell when you're around
What I want from you is empty your head
They say be true, don't stain your bed
We do what we need to be free
And it leans on me like a rootless tree
What I want from us is empty our minds
We fake the thoughts, and fracture the times
We go blind when we've needed to see
And this leans on me, like a rootless...
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you
And all we've been through
I said leave it, leave it, leave it
There's nothing in you
And did you hate me, hate me,
hate me, hate me so good
That you just let me out, let me out, let me out
Of this hell when you're around
Let me out, let me out, let me out
Hell when you're around
Let me out, let me out, let me out
What I want from this
Is learn to let go
No not of you
Of all that's been told
Killers re-invent and believe
And this leans on me, like a rootless...