說真的,聽這首歌的時候真的會隨著Bjork的"higher, higher"的歌聲,有一種熱血沸騰的感覺。
不過到現在,我如果晚上睡覺時邊聽Bjork的歌,還是常常會被嚇醒或作不舒服的夢....─ ─"
記得電影《在黑暗中漫舞》中,Bjork每次要開始唱歌,就會先出現一陣刺耳的像是call in電台的人沒關收音機發出的共鳴(?)聲。超有氣氛的。不過對我這種對尖銳刺耳聲過敏的人而言,真的很折磨。
以下貼一下Declare Independence的原文歌詞好了。
〈Declare Independence 〉
declare independence
don't let them do that to you
declare independence
don't let them do that to you
declare independence
don't let them do that to you
declare independence
don't let them do that to you
start your own currency
make your own stamp
protect your language
declare independence
don't let them do that to you
declare independence
don't let them do that to you
make your own flag
make your own flag
make your own flag
make your own flag
raise your flag (higher higher)
raise your flag (higher higher)
raise your flag (higher higher)
raise your flag (higher higher)
raise your flag (higher higher)
raise your flag (higher higher)
declare independence
don't let them do that to you
declare independence
don't let them do that to you
damn colonists
ignore their patronizing
tear off their blindfold
open their eyes
declare independence
don't let them do that to you
declare independence
don't let them do that to you
with a flag and a trumpet
go to the top
of your highest mountain
and raise your flag (higher higher)
raise your flag (higher higher)
raise your flag (higher higher)
raise your flag (higher higher)
raise your flag (higher higher)
raise your flag (higher higher)
declare independence
don't let them do that to you
declare independence
don't let them do that to you
raise the flag
- Aug 01 Fri 2008 11:52
Declare Independence!