

The ‘Meet Cute’ in a rom-com

The Maverick Cop

The ‘Dead Man Walking’ secondary character who’s doomed to die

The funeral with someone attending from far away

The city of Paris, always letting us know we’re there with a shot of the EiffelTower

Unusual props, such as the bag of baguettes

The character showing cockiness by eating an apple

The one-man army who kills all opponents

The fist fight, on a moving train

Metaphoric imagery to suggest sex or orgasm

The Spit Take The Jump Scare

The Wilhelm scream

The Smurfette principle: One lone woman among the men/boys

Making women run in high heels

The Manic Pixie Dream Girl

The Montage

The Car Chase

The White Savior

The Magical Negro

“You killed my father”

Animals with a sixth sense

Expendable LGBTQ+ characters

The Badly-Timed Tech Fail

The Angry Desk Sweep

The Bad Guy

The Final Girl

The Ticking Time Bomb (Airplane!?)

The Mad Dash to Declare Love

The Good Guy always wins


個人對於Wilhelm scream威廉尖叫原來是好萊塢業內老梗笑料這個介紹最長知識!!

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